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Our multidisciplinary plans combine psychology, nutritional and sports psychology sessions to maximize the effectiveness of the treatments. You decide how to integrate these disciplines according to your needs and possibilities, with personalized options to comprehensively care for the mental health of our patients.

El método de salud mental integral Balanc3
Balanc3 - Salud Mental Integral

El método de salud mental integral Balanc3

Comprehensive Mental Health


360º mental health care may seem something complex.

Therefore, we have designed a method to achieve your goals in just 4 steps.

1. Comprehensive evaluation of your needs

We offer a more complete and accurate assessment of your mental health needs, complementing the clinical judgment of our professionals with digital instruments that detect your psychological, nutritional, physical, and social/environmental needs.

2. Design of a personalized plan

The bio-psychosocial information gathered during the assessment is used to personalize the treatment. In this process, the clinical judgment of the professional is complemented with suggestions from advanced prediction algorithms that assist in selecting the most appropriate treatment for each case.

3. Digital therapeutic tools

The sessions with the professional are complemented by a series of digital therapeutic tools that will help you put the new skills into practice in your everyday context. This will help you acquire new habits and consolidate what you have learned to achieve lasting results.

4. Tracking and visualization of changes

We offer feedback on progress during treatment to monitor your changes, improve motivation and adherence, as well as prevent possible relapses.

Intervention areas

brain psychology


We help you find the psychological balance you are looking for. Connect with your strengths and identify the factors involved in your cycles of distress

Psychonutrition nines with brain shape


Nutrition and psychology come together to help you change your relationship with food, promoting a balanced diet with the nutrients you truly need.

Psicoentrenamiento balanc3


Revolucionamos tu forma de entrenar y cuidar tu cuerpo combinando la psicología y la fisioterapia deportiva, encontrando el justo equilibrio entre motivación y disfrute.

  • What is a multidisciplinary plan?
    Our multidisciplinary plans combine psychology sessions with psychonutrition and psychotraining sessions to increase the effectiveness of our treatments. Thanks to our flexible vouchers, each person decides how to combine the different disciplines based on their needs and possibilities. For example, there are patients who start exclusively with psychology sessions, and after a while they decide to incorporate a psycho-nutrition and/or psycho-training plan to take the therapy to the next level and take care of their health in an integral way. Other patients start by combining the three areas to achieve better results in less time. There are also cases that only work in one area because the other components are well and are working actively independently.
  • Why work with a multidisciplinary approach?
    Cutting-edge research shows that mental health has a multifactorial nature, where psychological factors, nutrition, physical activity and the context of each person interact. For example, new paradigms in neuroscience suggest that the brain-gut-microbiota axis plays a key role in mental health, such that our diet and the way we eat influence our mood. Similarly, embodiment theories suggest that the way we move influences our cognition and emotions, with physical activity showing myriad benefits for mental health and well-being. The combination of these elements improves the effectiveness of the treatments, reduces the times and prevents relapses. For this reason, at Balanc3 we combine psychology, psychonutrition and psychotraining within our flexible plans that are adaptable to the needs of each person.
  • How long does the treatment last?
    The duration of treatments is variable and largely depends on the severity of symptoms and the patient's commitment to therapy and home practice. Despite this, research suggests that comprehensive and multidisciplinary work shortens treatment times and increases efficacy, also generating more lasting results and preventing relapses. In addition, at Balanc3 we promise not to lengthen treatments unnecessarily and we try to help our patients in the shortest possible time so that they can recover their autonomy and well-being.

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